TwinStar Credit Union turns 80 in year DBC celebrates 20th year as ad agency
/TwinStar Credit Union was born in a room in Olympia High School 80 years ago this year, founded by a small group of school teachers who banded together to help fellow teachers weather the financial storms of the Great Depression. TwinStar celebrated their 80th anniversary this past weekend at their annual meeting in Olympia.
It was just over 20 years ago, in 1997, when then-Twin County Credit Union, retained Daniels-Brown Communications as their ad and PR agency of record, a relationship that continues today. In 1997, TwinStar held $251 million in assets. Today it holds more than $1.2 billion. DBC has deeply appreciated our relationship with such an outstanding financial institution that has always placed its members first. Congrats TwinStar!